International experts meeting with our companies

Through the Clusters4Development project, GAFA team is working with a team of international experts. With the help of EU4Business and GIZ Georgian companies were able to…


Clusterss4Development (C4D) project supports Situationist, a member of Georgian Apparel and Fashion Association (GAFA), in presentation of its fashion collections at Paris Fashion…

EU4Business and GIZ help creative overall maker shift gears with Covid-19

Have you ever thought about the emotional impact a colour and its many shades might have on a person? In fact, specific colour…

Major Georgian fashion brand expands online market

Imagine a group of mannequins standing on a small hill covered in artificial grass, all dressed in beautiful, colourful dresses made of plant…

This website has been produced with the financial support of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its contents are the sole responsibility of GAFA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EU or BMZ.