Georgia is home to fashion, reaching back for centuries – thriving today. A unique blend of creativity, style and innovation goes hand in hand with a profound tradition in making apparel. As a bridge between Europe and Asia, Georgia has always been exposed to a multitude of influences, producing that distinct and sophisticated touch Georgian designers are known and internationally renowned for today.
Designers and their brands can revert to a solid manufacturing base that can produce the finest garments with the needed flexibility, an asset already discovered by selected international brands seeking a competent, creative and flexible partner for the manufacturing of apparel.
A swift hindsight │ apparel in Georgia goes back to the 19th century, when the design studios turned into ateliers, ateliers into workshop and workshops into manufacturing units. Exports of apparel has always been part of Georgia’s foreign trade performance, undergoing a major modernization process at the beginning of the new millennium. Today, international brands feel at home in Georgia because nowhere else can they find the level of creativity and competence in making fashion.
Some facts │ Some 200 companies operate in the Georgian apparel sector, most small to medium sized in size and structure. Larger manufacturing capacities have been created, capable of serving those brands seeking an apparel destination of choice, offering competence, flexibility, geographic vicinity and free access to, for example, the European market. The centres of gravity are the capital city of Tbilisi, stretching via Kutaisi to the Black Sea port of Batumi – ready to ship!
The Cluster

Make Fashion │ Georgia